Fire Power Volunteers!!

Have you ever wanted to fire a cannon or musket? Well here is your chance. Port Hudson SHS is looking for volunteers for their “Fire Power” demonstrations every September, December, March and June on the 1st Sunday of that month.

For the calendar year 2015-2016 those dates are September 6, 2015, December 6, 2015,   March 6, 2016 and June 5, 2016.

Trained staff will be on hand to instruct you in the use and operations of each weapon and to certify that you are black powder trained. You will be able to dress in period gear (we are limited to certain sizes) and once the staff is confident with your safety in using the weapons you will be able to fire them.

If you are  interested please call 1-888-677-3400 or locally at 225-654-3775.

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